Science Advance. open online journal

Science Advance. is a non-profit open-online peer-reviewed journal for all scientific and related fields. "An effort by researchers and for researchers to make science more open and better known publishing more efficient and transparent."

"I love the idea that acceptance is based on quality of work, not whether it's trendy or established." 

|New publications:

Sea quarks revisited
Melissa B. Blau

In this letter we derive a relation which shows that sea quarks while briefly orbiting inside a nucleon are not only generated in the gluon field of the strong interaction or through vacuum fluctuations, but rather created by the constantly released electromagnetic energy between the charged, short-lived and sea quark and antiquark pairs, a model, which can also explain the unexpected large mass of a nucleon and the two directions of the nucleon's spin.

The Heisenberg principle as the source of gravity and space-time curvature
Melissa B. Blau

The theory of General Relativity describes the attraction of masses through space-time curvature. But how can masses cause space-time curvature? Is there a physically tangible background for this, beyond the abstract energy-momentum tensor as the “source term”? 

The Photon Spin - A Natural Constant
Alexander Krebs, Christoph Krebs

According to the particle conception, visible light consists of photons with spin h/2π. In fact, the spin of visible light can not only be verified by spectroscopic means but also directly by macroscopic measurement of angular...

Rotational wave velocity of protons
Melissa B. Blau 

The angular momentum of particles is the result of rotational waves, which are believed not to rotate in a classical sense. Therefore, the rotational wave properties of protons or nucleons, which should be comparable to De...

The spin and the Heisenberg principle 
Melissa B. Blau

In 1921, on the basis of the experimental proof of the magnetic moment of the silver atom by Otto
Stern, it was postulated that electrons have a self-rotation impulse...

Why do masses bend spacetime?
Melissa B. Blau 

The energy-momentum tensor as "source term" of gravity is not something that could be objectified or grasped in the microscopic or macroscopic range. In this paper we present a mass-immanent modality by which masses are able to...

The quantum nature of the weak interaction 
 Melissa B. Blau

From the fundamental noνα = 1 formula, the up quark was identified as an exchange particle based on its mass, which implies that the particle is newly formed and not, as ...

Science Advance.

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