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The Heisenberg principle as the source of gravity and space-time curvature

Melissa B. Blau

University of Tübingen, Tübingen 72076, Germany 
Published: 2024-05-13

The theory of General Relativity describes the attraction of masses through space-time curvature. But how can masses cause space-time curvature? Is there a physically tangible background for this, beyond the abstract energy-momentum tensor as the “source term”? And does this make it easier to see whether gravity is infinite or just finite? To date, gravitational theories with arbitrarily large but finite range, however, either violate basic physical requirements, do not limit to General Relativity or both. In this paper we show, that the Heisenberg principle is responsible for creation of gravity and space-time curvature and that the gravity might only be finite, while this cause does not contradict the theory of General Relativity. 

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Blau M.B. The Heisenberg principle as the source of gravity and space-time curvature. Science Advance 2024,

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